Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Round and Round we go

Just a small update today, something of a journal entry I suppose. I read a fantastic article/interview by Neil Gaiman about Stephen King. It's a great read, and I highly suggest reading it if you are a fan of either author, or just of writing in general. I always find it fascinating to get a glimpse into the methods of the people I admire. Another example would be the 4th Panel videos that Penny Arcade puts up about their comic-writing process. Another would be the oft rambling but always amusing blog of Patrick Rothfuss (author of The Name of the Wind, and all around wonderful geeky human being).

It was during the reading of the Stephen King piece that I found the tiniest of morsels. This morsel contained a whisper of inspiration, advising me to write again. I've mentioned before a story that I have made a number of attempts to write. I think you'll find it not in the least bit surprising that I yet again lost steam and let the story sit unfinished.

I find myself having an abundance of free time these days (thank you job market) and with this little inspiration stuck in my brain, have decided that I will finish my story before going off to Eastern Washington University in the fall. I plan to write (at least) a single page every day, whether it's good writing or the antithesis thereof, and seeing as how I've roughly 4.5 months until I leave, that gives me ample time to write approximately 135 manuscript pages, more than enough for a short story. I am excited to try and finally get this story out of my head where it's been residing for a couple years now. I'm excited to share the place and people with you and others. I hope that I won't find myself writing yet again about how I let the story dissipate, because I feel that if I don't get it out somehow, it might disappear altogether.

1 comment:

  1. If you do finish it and want to see about getting it published, agentquery.com has a searchable list of literary agents and a guide on how to write a query letter. No one really takes unsolicited work anymore, so an agent is the best way to go. Or, you know, self-publish it as an ebook. :) Good luck on your writing adventure!
