Saturday, March 24, 2012

It doesn't matter *when* the last horse crosses the line

It's a strange feeling to experience an epiphany. You stroll along through life thinking or acting in a specific way, and then WHAM! Out of nowhere, the littlest thing can turn a little switch in your brain and your entire perspective can be altered.

I am very much of the opinion that we are shaped by the things we go through and how we react to them. It is odd then, that when looking back on past relationships I seem to just shrug them off with a "thank God I got out of that." But there is a flaw to that. Yes those relationships ended for good reasons, but to just act like they were a waste of time is silly. I had some genuinely great times with those girls and I want to start remembering them that way. Recognize them as being a part of who I am, and not a regretted time and place.

Already this slightly shifted perspective has been fairly cathartic. I'm focusing on realigning myself at the moment, and this has been a positive result of some of that effort. Being unemployed sucks, but at the same time it's giving me a chance to get to know myself and spend a little more time with friends. And hey, it doesn't matter *when* the last horse crosses the line, as long as the last horse *does* cross the line.


  1. Well gosh :) sounds great man. Say, you outta add a 'subscribe by email' option into the right of your blog. It's a gadget if I remember right... It'd be nice to read your posts when they happen and not when I check my static blogger thing. Glad you're doing well.

  2. Done and done sir. There is now an email subscription bar right under the header. Ribbed for your subscribing pleasure!
